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Friday, February 24, 2017

Hi! We are Bonnie Clement (right) and Mary Haug (left).  We have lived in the beautiful state of Montana for over 25 years!  Together we have studios in Bozeman and Livingston where we meet with individuals/groups and use art processes, coupled with our Christian faith, as therapy to bring healing to the heart.   

"The vision bears upon the future, must be preserved, is of common interest to all, the unlearned and the learned and the speedy understanding of it will quiet the minds of those who are perplexed"This is Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges, commentary.

Although it is believed the vision was that of the second coming of the Messiah, there seems to be a principle involved.  I believe that when God gives a vision it will come to pass at the  appointed  time and that it is important to write it, for those very reasons stated above, it is of common interest to all and reading it will quiet the minds of those perplexed. 

Our vision for  Healing Hearts with Art : 

THE PLACE;  The following words are descriptive of the place we envision; peaceful, non-competitive, inter generational, welcoming, non-judgemental, empathetic, kind,,multi faceted,                                    harmonious, sharing, safe, HEALING,  where wounded hearts and souls can experience the beginning of a path of nurture and growth.  

THE PEOPLE:  Those who have been wounded and have experienced the healing effects of art will be sharing the gifts that God has placed within them for the blessing of others. FOR THE                               DISPLAY OF HIS SPLENDOR

THE PURPOSE;  To help you uncover and reconnect with the child that you may have disconnected with, and break old patterns of thinking that have kept you stuck in destructive attitudes and                            behaviors.  MATTHEW 18;3  "EXCEPT YOU BECOME AS A LITTLE CHILD YOU CANNOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN"

THE PROMISE; AS A WATERED GARDEN, SO SHALL THEIR SOULS BE. JEREMIAH 31;12  Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me, is a lie that has been                                    perpetuated by the enemy of our souls since the garden of Eden.  Life and death are in the power of the tongue.  sometimes we cannot even receive kind and encourageing 
                         words into our souls due to the pathways that have been created in our brains by trauma.  But there is a way.

                        We know how important our thought life is to what we actually experience in life but do we kn ow that it can be very difficult to create new pathways in the brain?  Science, in my                         opinion, is continually proving GOD. 

 ART AND THE BRAIN          In our research on the effects of art on the brain, we have uncovered exciting facts confirming that art can reverse the effects of negative 
                        words or a lack of positive interaction. Brain scans reveal that looking at beautiful art increased blood flow to pleasure areas of the brain and equaled the feeling produced 
                        when one looks at a loved one.  It is proven can change the lens through which we see the world around us, as well as improving brain connections.

WHAT IS ART?   Art is human expression.  A wasted day is when I spend the day comparing myself with others.  We live in a culture of comparison and what we need to express our true 
                         selves, making war on comparison.  Engaging in experiences with dance, sewing, writing, painting, pottery, growing etc. opens our brains to emotional healing and vitality 
                         in brain cells.